WHO announces testing of 3 drugs for the treatment of COVID-19

Photo: AP

The World Health Organization (WHO) has started testing three new coronavirus drugs among hospitalized patients. 52 countries take part in the tests, UA reports.

According to the WHO, these are artesunate, imatinib and infliximab, which have been shown to reduce the risk of death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Artesunate is used for severe malaria, imatinib is used to treat certain types of cancer, and infliximab is used for diseases of the immune system, such as Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. These drugs were provided for research by their manufacturers.

The new phase of the test involves thousands of researchers in more than 600 hospitals in 52 countries, which is 16 countries more than in the first phase of the trial.

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