Crimean Residents Coerced into Voting in Favor of Vladimir Putin Through Intimidation

Photo Ukrinform-UATV

Occupying authorities in Russian-annexed Crimea are trying to artificially raise the voter turnout in order to create a perception of public support for the Russian presidential election on the peninsula. According to civil rights activist Oleksandr Sedov, Crimean residents are being forced to vote by their employers under threat of being fired. In turn, employers are forced to report to authorities the number of their employees who cast a vote. Over the past week civil rights activists received dozens of reports from employees, who were warned they would be punished for not turning up at a polling station.

“They’re trying to create an illusion that the population of Crimea supports the occupation and are actively partaking in Russian politics. We’re told they are being forced to vote, especially the personnel of Crimea’s education establishments. Those employees are reported on by phone from the polling station after they come and vote. That’s because they are threatened with retaliation. Teaching personnel are in fear of being fired, while students are being threatened with expulsion,” said the , Crimean Civil Rights Group Analyst Oleksandr Sedov.