Unique 3D Laboratory Was Opened at Kharkiv Polytechnic

Gazeta.ua reports: “This is the first laboratory of its kind that’s been opened at a Ukrainian university. It will provide the opportunity to train specialists in the fields of metrology and technical measurements for machine building and other industries. Also, the center will be able to conduct certifications of measuring equipment for Ukrainian enterprises. Students and specialists will be able to study the equipment for 3D scanning and reverse engineering, as well as new 3D printers”.

As noted by the Supervisory Board of NTU “KhPI”, the task of modern business is to create new jobs, create enterprises, and to assure that students who graduate from the university can receive quality careers in Ukraine.

“At any university, we must have our own practical labs. Our task for the near future is to find companies with professional experience in various fields, which will work with the university and create new laboratories. A student must be able to quickly implement his or her theoretical knowledge, even if he or she is mistaken. It’s doesn’t matter. What is important is that he or she gets real-life experience. “

According to the director of the NTU “KhPI” Yevhen Sokol, a graduate must be able to effectively use the theoretical knowledge that he or she received, which is impossible without modern equipment.

“All that the state could give has already been given. So today, the only option is for business, businesses which are keenly interested in getting good staff at a modern one – support higher education at the global level. It’s the business and education unions that can help us to open the kinds of laboratories that will train our students with the use of the most up-to-date equipment,” said Yevhen Sokol.

For reference: the training and production laboratory “High Technologies in Mechanical Engineering” is located at the Semko Integrated Technologies of Mechanical Engineering  Department of NTU “KhPI”. Among the equipment of the laboratory: a universal instrument for three-dimensional measurements and digitization, a coordinate-measuring system for high-precision measurements at ultra-large distances, a 3D scanner and a 3D printer.