If the aggressor country stops issuing ultimatums: the conditions under which the Russian Federation will be invited to the second Peace Summit were named by Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Zhovkva

Igor Zhovkva. Photo: uatv.ua

For two days in a row, participants in the Global Peace Summit will be looking for ways to increase pressure on the Russian Federation, because other countries of the world are also suffering from its aggression against Ukraine. Russia can join the second world summit if it does not issue ultimatums, but begins to listen to the common position of the countries of the world. Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Igor Zhovkva said this today, June 15, in comments to the FREEDOM TV channel.

According to him, during a meeting with leaders from around the world, President Vladimir Zelensky hears many complaints about the impact of the war on their states.

“Russia should be deprived of tools not only on the battlefield, here the Armed Forces give a reliable rebuff. All the time, when the President of Ukraine travels to different continents, parts of the world, be it Argentina when he was at the inauguration, or the Arab League summit or when African leaders came to Ukraine, he hears the same thing from the leaders: “Russian aggression is affecting and on us too.” It affects everyone differently: in some places energy prices are rising, in others the supply chain of agricultural products is disrupted, in others there is an impact on the environment. Island states say that constant shelling of Russian territory causes environmental effects that lead to a rise in global temperatures, which means the flooding of their islands by the World Ocean. Many countries said that it would be nice to discuss this topic in an international format, because this is also the influence of the Russian Federation,” Zhovkva said.

The Deputy Head of the President’s Office explained that, based on the results of the inaugural summit, the states will continue their work on the three points of the Ukrainian peace formula, which will be considered at the Global Peace Summit, and on other points, and will begin to develop a roadmap for moving towards peace in Ukraine.

“We are ready to look for ways, including through those countries that have a dialogue with the Russian Federation, so that this plan, these developments are communicated to representatives of the aggressor country. If the aggressor country stops issuing ultimatums and starts listening to this position, then we can say that at the next, second summit in a certain format, representatives of the Russian Federation can be involved,” he said.

Zhovkva noted that there will be no direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.

“Ukraine will sit with the partners who are present at the summit today, who will join the declarations that will support the real desire of Ukraine and other states for peace,” he concluded.

Read also: Speech of the President of Ukraine at the Global Peace Summit

Let us remind you that on June 15-16, the first Global Peace Summit is being held in Switzerland, in which, as of June 15, 101 delegations are participating. As of June 14, 92 countries and 8 international organizations confirmed their presence.