The US mission is to uphold international law, which should be a priority for everyone – Harris

Kamala Harris. Photo:

The United States will not stop supporting Ukraine in countering Russian aggression. The mission of the United States is to support international law and contribute to global peace stability. US Vice President Kamala Harris announced this today, June 15, on the sidelines of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland during the first plenary session, FREEDOM reports.

“Russia wanted to erase Ukraine from the map. America will continue to support the security system. Countries have their right to choose alliances, the right to defend their government. We must respect international law, the sovereignty of countries and the inviolability of borders. Borders cannot be changed by force. We will continue to support Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression. US President Joe Biden and I will continue to defend democratic values ​​and support our allies and partners. This has ensured our well-being and security for many generations. This approach supports global stability,” she said.

Harris noted that Russia, being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, violates the foundations of the organization’s charter.

“The Russian invasion is not only an action against Ukraine, not only an attack on food security. This is an attack on international rules and principles that are spelled out in the UN Charter. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. For almost 2.5 years, Russia violated the fundamentals of the charter. If you accept Russia’s attack on its neighbor, it will allow other aggressors to attack, which will become a threat to all countries,” she said.

International law is a guarantor of stability and security in the world, which should become an unshakable priority for the civilized countries of the world.

“The end of this war cannot be decided without Ukraine. Yesterday Vladimir Putin made proposals, but he is not talking about negotiations, he is talking about the capitulation of Ukraine. The United States supports Ukraine not out of favor, but because it is consistent with our strategic principles. America cares about peace in Ukraine. Our mission is to support international law. This should be a priority for all of us,” summed up the US Vice President.

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