Nord Stream-2 Pipeline Threatens EU – Duda

Photo from Ukrinform – UATV

The construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline will only profit Germany and will pose a threat to all others, Polish President Andrzej Duda said.

Duda said that the project is dangerous to European unity, European Truth wrote.

“I have no doubt that in Europe, which should be based on common values, there should be no projects that benefit only one country and undermine the energy security of others,” Duda said.

United States President Donald Trump and Duda recently met at the White House where they discussed the pipeline. Trump made it clear that the U.S. does not intend to impose sanctions against companies participating in the project, Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Jacek Chaputovych said.

Starting at the end of 2019, the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is planned to transport about 55 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas annually from the Russian Federation territories through the Baltic Sea to Germany.