90 more Ukrainian POWs returned home

Ukrainian POWs returned home from Russian captivity. Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy/X

On the evening of June 25, Ukraine greeted 90 Ukrainian defenders who arrived in Ukraine back from Russian captivity.

“Home is not just a word. Home means Ukraine. Today, another 90 of our people returned home from Russian captivity […] We remember all our people in Russian captivity. We continue our work for the release of everyone. We seek the truth about everyone who may be held by the enemy,” Zelenskyy wrote on X.

The President of Ukraine also thanked everyone who made the exchange possible.

“I thank our exchange team: Budanov, Yermak, Maliuk, Klymenko, and Lubinets. And all our partners who help, including the UAE, for their assistance in the release of our people. Together, we can achieve even the most difficult results,” he emphasized.

Soldiers of the National Guard, the Navy, the Armed Forces, the Territorial Defense Forces, the Border Guard Service, defenders of Mariupol, and the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant were part of the exchange.

In May, Ukraine returned 75 of its citizens, 71 soldiers and 4 civilians.

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