Former President Viktor Yanukovych and nine Maidan suspects face life sentences in Ukraine. However, all of them are outside the state, in particular, hiding in Russia.
Denys Ivanov, Deputy Head of the Department for Organization, Procedural Management of Pre-Trial Investigations and Support of Public Prosecution in Criminal Proceedings for Crimes Committed in Mass Protests in 2013-2014, answered the phone calls between Viktor Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin at a briefing, UA reports.
The prosecutor in the case noted that these connections were made through a special secure connection.
“We cannot reproduce the content of the conversations during the investigation. These connections took place during the active phase of the anti-terrorist operation in the center of Kyiv. Collectively, we can say that there was some advice on how to conduct operations. During this period, Putin and Yanukovych had 11 connections” – Ivanov said.
The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova added that today cannot be underestimated. There is an objective reality.
“We have put an end to the investigation. It contains 1,019 crimes. If Yanukovych is not sitting in Ukraine, then no one is sitting. It is not true. They are being prosecuted here. Of course, we want everyone to be behind bars” – Venediktova said.
Instead, Denys Ivanov noted that in order to stage the criminal proceedings, they would like to use this information during the trial. After all, the materials are open.
Read also: The investigation into Yanukovych’s Maidan 2014 shootings has been completed