Putin not necessarily to be arrested if he is to attend peace talks arranged by Switzerland, – Swiss President

Viola Amherd and Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Peace Summit in Switzerland. Photo: Viola Amherd/X

Switzerland could make an exception for Putin if his presence is needed during further negotiations despite the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court.

Swiss President Viola Amherd stated this on June 16, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

“If the presence of [Putin] is necessary for holding the conference, then an exception can be made. In case of the negotiations on peace in Ukraine with Russia this can be such an exception,” Amherd told reporters after the first peace summit in Burgenstock.

However, Amherd added that any decision would require an approval from the Swiss government.

In addition, the Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis noted that such a procedure should be carried out in cooperation with the ICC.

In March 2023, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the Russian official responsible fot the deportations of tens of thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia or Russian-occupied territories.

Read also: China abstains from comments on Peace Summit in Switzerland