One year of detention of Crimean Tatar First Deputy Head of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyal, – commentary of Ukraine’s MFA

Russian occupying administration has arrested on fabricated charges and continues to keep behind bars First Deputy Head of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People Nariman Dzhelyal as well as brothers Aziz and Asan Akhtemov.

We consider the detention of Nariman Dzhelyal and charges, brought against him, to be revenge of Russia for his participation in the Inaugural Summit of the International Crimea Platform on 23 August 2021, as well as another attempt to break the spirit of resistance to the occupation on the Peninsula.

Occupiers have already announced that on 21 September the so-called “verdicts” in cases of Nariman and the Akhtemov brothers will be issued. Each of them face up to 15-years of imprisonment.

We condemn such actions of the Russian Federation and remind that under the Geneva Convention Russia as an occupying power is responsible for providing the appropriate living conditions on the territory, under which it has established effective control.

Nariman Dzhelyal couldn’t participate in the second Summit of the Crimea Platform, but the participants urged Russia to immediately release him. This call is also enshrined in the Joint Statement approved by the Summit on 23 August 2022.

We call on Russia to immediately release Nariman Dzhelyal and all other Ukrainians whom it is illegally detaining in the temporary occupied Crimea as well as on its own territory.

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We appeal to our international partners to enhance political and diplomatic, as well as sanctions pressure on the leadership of the Russian Federation for the release of our citizens.

Ukraine and its partners will continue the joint struggle for their freedom, including within the framework of the International Crimea Platform.