Oil depots in Russia’s Rostov region on mass sale in wake of drone attacks

Illustrative photo: ukrinform.ua

Owners of oil depots located in Russia’s Rostov region bordering Ukraine seek to get rid of these assets against the background of the latest devastating drone strikes.

The number of ads posted to this end has significantly increased after a recent drone attack caused a massive fire at an oil depot in Proletarsk where the blaze keeps raging for the sixth day, Ukrinform reports with reference to The Moscow Times.

One of the ads was posted on Tuesday. The owner has put on sale for nearly RUB 30 million a facility located in Volgodonsk. Another oil depot put up for sale is located on the coast of the Sea of Azov and is being sold for RUB 60 million. It should be noted that on June 18, Ukrainian drones attacked the Azovprodukt plant, causing a fire that engulfed petroleum tanks and could not be put out for three days.

Another depot is for sale in Matveev Kurgan. The owner decided to sell the asset, despite the fact that a year ago a “major overhaul of all equipment” and buildings was completed. Among the bonuses for a price tag of RUB 45 million, the seller mentions the two fire tanks and a fire reservoir.

Two regional oil refineries are also on sale, as well as an oil depot that has been out of operation. The price has not been indicated in these ads.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, in the early hours of August 18, Ukrainian-made kamikaze drones hit the Kavkaz oil depot in the Proletarsk district of Rostov region. The fire caused by the strike has been decimating the facility for the sixth day. The said oil depot provided petroleum products for Russia’s military industry and invasion forces.

On Friday morning, the depot in Proletarsk came under another drone attack.

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