China abstains from comments on Peace Summit in Switzerland

China's flag. Photo:

China does not consider it necessary to provide any comments on the peace conference in Switzerland and its conclusions as its representatives did not attend the summit.

This was stated by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian during a briefing on June 17, Ukrinform reports.

“China did not attend this peace summit and will not comment on the joint statement,” Lin told journalists asking him to share his thoughts on the summit’s communique.

He reiterated added that China’s position on Ukraine-Russia war remains ‘consistent and clear’. China has been promoting its 10-point plan presented in 2023 and the concept of an immediate ceasefire. However, it does not envisage the withdrawal of Russian troops and does not condemn Russia in general.

During the Summit in Bürgenstock, Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine had never seen an enemy in China.

“Ukraine has one enemy, Putin. He attacked us. As for friends, friends are those who help when things are difficult. I would like China to be a friend for Ukraine,” Ukrainian President said.

Read also: The purpose of statements about the need for Russia to participate in the Peace Summit was an attempt to disrupt it, – political scientist