Germany to curb Ukraine aid in 2025, – Reuters

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius. Photo: Boris Pistorius/Facebook

The German government plans to cut funding for Ukraine in half the next year.

This was reported by Reuters.

“German aid to Ukraine will be cut to 4 billion euros ($4.35 billion) in 2025 from around 8 billion euros in 2024, according to a draft of the 2025 budget seen by Reuters,” reads the article.

The news comes after German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius asked German Finance Minister Christian Lindner to increase 2024 funding for Ukraine just a week ago, on July 9.

Reuters notes that Germany may now rely on a $50 billion loan coming from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets approved by the G7 in June.

“Ukraine’s financing is secured for the foreseeable future thanks to European instruments and the G7 loans,” Christian Lindner stated on July 17.

Still, this sounds alarming as Donald Trump choses J.D. Vance as his Vice President, known for supporting the notion that Ukraine should be cut off American funds.

Read also: Russia’s production capacity now exceeds its needs in Ukraine — German Defence Minister