Zelenskyy announces Ukraine to grant citizenship to foreign volunteers and their families

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy/Telegram

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced that Ukraineplans to make Ukrainian citizenship possible for foreigners currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukriane.

The President mentioned this in his post on Telegram on August 15.

“They deserve to be our citizens, citizens of Ukraine. It is also fair to extend this to their families, to the families of our heroes,” Zelenskyy claims.

He reiterated that “every warrior who defends the Ukrainian state, protects our people, defends our independence deserves recognition and maximum support.”

This initiative is part of a “defence legislative package for Ukraine” presented by the Ukrainian President to the Parliament. It covers payments for soldiers who are currently in the Kursk region, foreign legionnaires and trophy weapons.

“In August, some legal positions of our state need to be strengthened. It is time to adopt important legislative things – a defence legislative package for Ukraine. These are decisions that will help Ukrainian soldiers, the entirety of Ukrainian society, and our state institutions,” Zelenskyy said and appealed to the Parliament to look into these issues immediately.

Read also: For the first time, Russia initiated POW exchange, – Ukraine’s Ombudsman