Zelenskyy admitted the possibility of ending the war through diplomacy – what Kyiv is proposing?

Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: president.gov.ua

The United States of America will not force Kyiv into negotiations with Moscow, the condition of which will be territorial concessions, said John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications of the US National Security Council. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not rule out the possibility of returning the territories and ending the war diplomatically. Details are in the material of journalists from the FREEDOM TV channel.

As the Ukrainian leader said in an interview with the BBC, the hot stage of the war could end in 2024. But subject to the unity of the allies and according to the plan that Ukraine is preparing for the Peace Summit.

The president also did not rule out that the war could be ended with a diplomatic settlement at the negotiating table. In the event that Western countries put pressure on the Kremlin.

“It will depend on partners who will put pressure on Russia so that it agrees to sit down at the negotiating table and think about ending the war. This does not mean that all territories will be conquered by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help,” Zelenskyy said.

The head of the Ukrainian state also noted that the possible victory of Donald Trump in the US elections in November could complicate the fight of Ukrainians against Russian aggression. However, the White House assured that Ukraine’s support remains unchanged.

“The United States is not going to force Ukraine to surrender at the cost of losing any of its territory, because we understand that if Putin is allowed to conquer Ukraine and subjugate its people, the consequences will be serious. We think the world will become much more dangerous,” said National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby in comments to American media.

Earlier, the American Institute for the Study of War noted that Moscow’s conditions for peace negotiations are tantamount to the surrender of Ukraine. And they indicate Putin’s disinterest in honest negotiations on any terms other than Russian ones.

As the President of Ukraine emphasized, the whole world must put pressure on Russia to force it to sit down at the negotiating table to end the war. And the Russian Federation must take part in the second Peace Summit, which is planned to be held in November, before the presidential elections in the United States.

“In the West, many politicians say that we need to think about some kind of diplomatic path. Ukraine says, okay, let’s discuss these diplomatic options. Russia is not ready to discuss anything. Until the US presidential elections, Russia will simply play for time, say neither yes nor no, constantly hint at something, but at the same time avoid any concrete actions. And in order for it to become ready, it is necessary that Ukraine has the appropriate resources,” says international politics expert Petro Oleshchuk.

By July 18, Ukraine had concluded a security agreement with 25 states. Recently such documents were signed with the Czech Republic and Slovenia.

Prague plans to continue to help Ukraine obtain 155 mm and 122 mm artillery shells with the support of partner countries. And strengthen cooperation in the military-technical sphere. In turn, Ljubljana will assist in training within the framework of the EU Military Assistance Mission to Ukraine.

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