The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov has disappeared from public space. The talks about his bad health or even possible death keep on intensifying. Meanwhile, in Kadyrov’s Telegram channel someone posted a video that showed his 15-year-old son Adam brutally punching and kicking a Russian prisoner accused of burning the Qur’an. According to experts this was done deliberately – either to silence the talk about Kadyrov’s health or to show that Chechnya does not follow Russian laws. This brings up a very interesting question about the Putin – Kadyrov relationship. Will the Kremlin dictator handle such permissiveness and disobedience to Russia law and Putin’s regime? And where is Kadyrov?
Where is Kadyrov? Disappearance of Chechnya Leader and Brutal Act of His Son
29 Sep / 2023
Yesterday at 20:02
Yesterday at 18:01