A Van Rams into Pedestrians in Toronto and Kills 10 People

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On April 23, a van rammed into pedestrians on the sidewalk of Toronto’s busiest street, killing 10 people and injuring another 15.

The event’s modus operandi reminded quickly every one of event that occurred in Nice on July 14, 2016, when a truck rammed into pedestrians and killed 86 people who gathered along the sea bank to watch French traditional fireworks.

However, Canadian authorities were quick to deny any link to terrorism and therefore any threat to the national security of the country.

Alek Minassian, a young graduate from Seneca College, was arrested as he exited the vehicle. The young man appears on footage as pointing an object that he claims to be a gun towards the sole police officer – Kenneth Lam – facing him. With extreme self-control and professionalism, the police officer did not give way to fear and commanded the suspect to lay on the ground, after what the policeman was able to proceed to the suspect’s arrest – Minassian stands as the only suspect so far and is currently being questioned by Canadian authorities.

All we know so far about the suspect is that his fellow classmates described him as a ‘socially awkward’ individual, rather introverted, and who would rarely open up to others

Only a further investigation will enable Canadian authorities to find out what were the motives of the suspect, and if he is indeed not linked to any terrorist group.