Ukraine will be the largest construction site in Europe – investors are already looking to the east, – head of UkraineInvest


There is no ideal investment climate, it does not exist anywhere in the world, and business is always about risk. Russian aggression against Ukraine is certainly a risk factor. At the same time, business sees opportunities in Ukraine, first of all, in the fact that the country needs to be rebuilt. The head of the Office for Attracting and Supporting Investments of Ukraine (UkraineInvest) Sergii Tsivkach stated this on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“Business understands that it will be necessary to produce a lot of materials and different products in Ukraine. And this is profit, this is an opportunity to access a new market. This time. Secondly, we have candidate status for membership of the European Union. As soon as we received this status, many companies began to contact us not from Europe, but from the Asian region, the United States of America, North America, and other countries. They understand that we are approaching a European family. And when we join the European Union, our assets will increase significantly. They look into the long term and understand that they need to invest – after joining the European Union, these incomes will increase. And at the moment when we join the NATO alliance and receive security guarantees at the proper level, the country will receive even more investments… There are investors who think about today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. There is a lot of money in the world. And they understand that Ukraine will be the largest – both unfortunately and fortunately, because we are economically transforming – construction site in Europe,” comments the guest on the broadcast.

According to him, if at the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, potential investors were only interested in the western regions of the country, now they are also looking in the eastern direction.

“We work with foreign businesses who want to work in Ukraine. We explain how, where and why it is better to start a project in a specific region. Sometimes they contact us and ask us to provide information about a number of regions. And I want to say that if at the beginning of the war all investors were talking only about the west of Ukraine, now conversations are already beginning about the center of Ukraine and even about the territories that are closer to the east of Ukraine. Because companies understand that the key recovery will take place in the east of Ukraine and want to be closer to the market,” Tsivkach noted.

He emphasized that UkraineInvest’s work is aimed not only at helping foreign investors.

“Secondly, these are Ukrainian companies. They need partners, they need funding. We are now working with partners from the USA, Europe, and other countries in order to create investment funds. Only recently we completed an analytical study on the United Nations on the creation of social impact funds, and this impact on small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. Ukraine, unfortunately, lost more than 3.5 million jobs due to this military aggression. We need to rebuild these jobs. And it is small and medium-sized businesses that are the basis for economic recovery <..> this is both the key to economic development and the employment of our defenders who will return home and will also rebuild their cities, their buildings and homes,” emphasized Sergii Tsivkach .

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Let us recall that the executive director of the Economic Discussion Club, Oleg Pendzin, believes that the bulk of foreign investment will flow into the energy and agricultural sectors, as well as the military-industrial complex (MIC) of Ukraine.