Ukraine to receive hundreds of thousands shells and dozens of armoured personnel carriers and tanks from Rheinmetall — CEO of Rheinmetall

Armin Papperger, Rheinmetall CEO. Photo: Tagesspiegel

Rheinmetall launches a construction of a new plant in Germany which will increase Germany’s capacity to produce artillery shells, for Ukraine, in particular.

This is according to Taggespiegel.

Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger told Tagesspiegel that Germany would be able to produce 200,000 artillery shells a year after the new plant is completed.

“Ukraine will receive several hundred thousand shells from us this year alone, as well as several dozen armoured personnel carriers and tanks,” said Papperger.

“We can still expand our production – both in Ukraine and in Germany,” Armin Papperger, Rheinmetall CEO, added as the company plans to build a new armoured vehicle plant in Ukraine, starting in the summer of 2024.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and many other politicians attended a ceremony for the new plant on February 12.

According to Scholz, this day is “a special day for the security of the whole of Europe.”

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