Ukraine sees Russia at the table at the second Peace Summit

Volodymyr Zelenskyy duting a Bloomberg TV interview. Photo: video screenshot/Bloomberg TV

The Pressdent of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy claims Ukraine supports the idea of inviting Russian representatives to the second Peace Summit.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained Ukraine’s stance on the matter in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

“If the next Peace Summit follows the plan we foresee, and the second Summit has the plan with all the items and a plan to end the war how we see it, and if we have more countries of the world [supporting Ukraine – ed.]… If this plan is ready, we’ll organise the second Peace Summit and there the Russian representatives must be present. Who? We’ll see,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

However, the Ukrainian leader doubts Putin will dare to leave Russia and come anywhere himself.

Additionally, Zelenskyy noted that the U.S. and China could facilitate peace if they put their differences aside, and considering how big the influence China has on Russia is now.

Earlier, Ukraine’s President stated China needed the Western market and was looking for ways to keep access to it.

Read also: Zelenskyy’s spokesperson denies that Ukraine’s President will have interview with Tucker Carlson