Ukraine joins global cooperation on secure AI development – Digital Transformation Ministry

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Ukraine has taken part in the Second Global AI Summit, which was held in South Korea’s Seoul.

The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The development of AI has significant potential for the Ukrainian economy and society. Technology can help improve efficiency in various industries, and promote the development of new products and services.

At the same time, it is important for AI to be used in an ethical and responsible manner, not to harm people but for their benefit.

The Summit participants, including Ukraine, agreed on a Ministerial Statement. In general, a total of 27 countries and EU representatives joined the statement focusing on three goals: AI security, innovation, and inclusiveness.

“Ukraine’s participation in the AI Seoul Summit and signing of the ministerial statement is a clear signal of our commitment to responsible and ethical AI development. We are already actively working on the implementation of AI in various areas, boosting the development of Ukraine’s economy and improving the lives of our citizens,” Ukrainian Digital Transformation Deputy Minister Heorhii Dubynskyi, who represented Ukraine at the Summit, noted.

A reminder that, in October 2023, the Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry presented a roadmap for AI regulation as the first signal about the need to prepare for the implementation of full-fledged regulatory mechanisms.