Ukraine is attractive for investors even against the background of Russian aggression, — expert

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Investing in Ukraine during the war is a matter of long-term planning. Ivan Us, candidate of economic sciences, chief consultant of the Center for Foreign Policy Studies of the National Institute of Strategic Studies, said this today, November 23, on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel.

“This is a matter of, let’s say, longer planning. That is, on the one hand, of course, when there is a war, it is very difficult to talk about investments, because the risks are huge. On the other hand, entrepreneurs understand that just as long as these risks exist, there are also opportunities, there is a certain area where you can invest money, and later know that you have occupied this territory, and then you may not make it, and your competitors will overtake you. Therefore, the classic understanding of business here is to engage in activities at your own peril and risk… On the other hand, you understand that you have a window of opportunity that you must use. And here is the understanding that this is how it is, it partially motivates to engage in investing,” said the economic expert.

He noted that, for example, Denmark is already developing investment plans in the shipbuilding industry of Ukraine, and the Mykolaiv region has the appropriate infrastructure for this.

“And in this regard, it is precisely the business that is showing itself, that it is already occupying the plots it needs in order to use them in the future,” said Us.

He also noted that macro-financial assistance from the European Union helps Ukraine stay afloat. The Ukrainian economy did not fall into a deep crisis after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, and this gives grounds for optimism.

“It is very important for Ukraine to change emotions to ratio, because the first months, the first six months of the full-scale war helped Ukraine more on emotions. And now the argument is being made more and more that we are doing it rationally, because it will bring profits,” said the expert.

According to him, it is important for investors to be able to “look beyond the horizon”, and since they see that Ukraine will become a member of the European Union in the future, they understand that it is better to invest money in certain industries now.