Ukraine has never had more powerful documents than the one signed today with Germany – Volodymyr Zelenskyy following the negotiations with Olaf Scholz

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Olaf Scholz. Photo:

As part of his working visit to Germany, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Negotiations were held in narrow and expanded formats, and the bilateral agreement on security cooperation and long-term support was signed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Olaf Scholz. Photo:

“Olaf, I would like to thank you personally for such a special attitude towards Ukraine, towards Ukrainians, and I would like to thank Germans, ordinary people, for their attitude towards us. This is a very powerful support for our warriors and for the people in Ukraine who are working for the sake of victory. And for sheltering so many Ukrainians who were forced to move abroad because of the war,” the Head of State said addressing the German Chancellor in the course of the joint meeting with media representatives following the negotiations in Berlin.

According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the security agreement signed today is an unprecedented document that reflects not only the level of bilateral relations between Ukraine and Germany, but also Berlin’s fundamental role in maintaining normalcy in Europe and the world.

“Annual financial support for our defense. And this year, more than 7 billion in defense support has been allocated. These are clear contracts, strict supplies. The agreement contains absolutely rational clauses on the accountability of Russia and all Russian war criminals for what they have done against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Every war crime committed by the occupiers must be punished, and this is totally fair. The agreement also fundamentally defines positions on sanctions against Russia and Russian assets frozen in various jurisdictions. Every such asset of the terrorist state must be confiscated and used for protection against Russian aggression and for recovery from Russian terror. It is particularly important for me that the agreement also reflects clear positions on European and Euro-Atlantic integration – our state is de facto already a part of the European and Euro-Atlantic communities, and this needs to be legally enshrined in due course,” the President noted.

The Head of State thanked the teams of Ukraine and Germany for the preparation of the document.

Answering journalists’ questions, Volodymyr Zelenskyy added that the agreement will remain in force until Ukraine becomes a NATO member.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Olaf Scholz. Photo:

“That is, our allies realize that we will eventually be there. And this is the key thing,” he said.

As the President emphasized, what is most important is that the agreement contains specific figures on the amount of funding and the duration of support.

“These are specifics that a person in Ukraine can count on. These are security commitments. Ukraine has never had more powerful documents than the one we have signed today,” the Head of State emphasized.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also thanked Germany for a new defense package worth more than €1 billion, which the Ukrainian army urgently needs right now.

“In particular, it is artillery, which is a critical need at the front. As well as guns, which are needed right now, and air defense systems, which are so crucial for our people today. Olaf, Mr. Chancellor, I really appreciate that you are not standing aside, as is the entire Germany. This artillery, this assistance will be on the frontline in the nearest future,” the Head of State said.

According to him, during the talks in Berlin, the parties discussed in detail the situation at the front and the necessary provision of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the current international circumstances and given the enemy’s superiority in weapons.

“We also discussed enhancing our air defense: Germany has already become one of the leaders in this kind of support, and I am grateful to you. Thousands of lives have been saved from Russian strikes, but there is a greater need for protection,” the President emphasized.

“No matter how difficult it is and no matter what the challenges are, we must always remember that only in unity can we protect lives. Putin always kills. He is war himself. He will not stop. He can only be stopped – and only by all of us together. In cooperation. Dear Olaf, Germany, I thank you very much from the bottom of every Ukrainian’s heart for such important support from your side. It is very significant and very substantive,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy added.

Olaf Scholz. Photo:

For his part, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed the preparation of a new aid package for Ukraine worth 1.1 billion euros, which includes 36 howitzers, ammunition, 2 Skynex systems and missiles for IRIS-T.

The German Chancellor also called the signing of the security agreement between the two countries a historic step.

“It is difficult to overestimate this document, as it states that Germany will continue to support an independent Ukraine defending itself against Russian aggression for as long as it takes,” Olaf Scholz said.

According to him, Germany will support Ukraine in building a modern, defense-capable Armed Forces to prevent any future Russian aggression.

“If Russia thinks about it in the future, we have detailed agreements in place – diplomatic, economic and military – on how we will help Ukraine,” the Chancellor added.

In addition, the agreements encompass assistance in the civilian sphere, including demining, maintaining energy infrastructure, and reconstruction.

“This agreement reflects the values we share. It is based on democracy and the rule of law, on the order in which our societies want to live. For its part, Ukraine assumes responsibility for continuing the reforms aimed at joining the EU,” he said.

He also emphasized that everyone wants this war to end as soon as possible. “Unfortunately, we see that Russia is not ready for a lasting and just peace. On the contrary, it continues to pursue its goals, as Putin has recently demonstrated to us again. We are sending a clear message to the Russian President: we will not reduce our support for Ukraine. We continue to stand with the Ukrainians,” Olaf Scholz said.

Read also: In Berlin, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Olaf Scholz signed a security agreement between Ukraine and Germany in the framework of the G7 Vilnius Declaration