Ukraine and EU may sign security agreement on June 26

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The EU foreign ministers will discuss EU-Ukraine security commitments, almost finalized at this point, on June 24 and that they will be signed by the EU and Ukraine by the end of the month.

That’s according to Ukrinform, citing an EU official.

June 26 was suggested as an option when the the official document could be signed.

It is expected that the EU officials will start discussing the Ukrainian affairs through informal meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, who is to join the discussion online. He will update European partners on the situation on the battlefield and in Ukraine in general.

“The situation on the battlefield remains difficult, so the supply of weapons to Ukraine remains our key priority,” the EU official noted himself ahead of Kuleba’s briefing.

Among other issues, the ministers will mention the Peace Summit in Switzerland that took place on June 15-16 and discuss the results of that major conference.

The Council of EU Foreign Ministers will convene in Luxembourg on June 24.

Previously, the press servise of the President of Ukraine announced that the text of the agreement between the EU and Ukraine had been approved.

Read also: Ukraine wraps up text of security commitments with EU