The United States finds temporary solutions to the problem with the delay in the allocation of aid to Ukraine – details from an expert

Flags of the USA and Ukraine. Photo:

The United States of America is finding temporary tactical solutions to the problem of delaying aid to Ukraine. An expert from the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, Igor Popov, spoke about this on the FREEDOM TV channel.

He recalled that there are problems with the consideration of the bill on the allocation of financial assistance to Ukraine, including money for the purchase of American weapons.

“There again, the Democrats cannot agree on anything with the Republicans. Again, there is a statement from Donald Trump that now let’s not give it away as free aid, but rather as a loan, and let’s rewrite everything from the beginning. And this really worries both us and our allies,” Popov said.

The expert is convinced that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, at a meeting of the Contact Group on Defense Issues of Ukraine (“Ramstein”), privately informed his colleagues what the prospects were.

“And the United States is trying to find any way around these delays. Let’s say last week there was a successful replacement operation with Greece. The United States allocated money for the purchase of weapons for Greece, and Greece quite promptly transferred old Soviet weapons from its reserves, which perform well on the battlefield, although they are morally outdated. This is exactly what we need for artillery warfare and for strengthening air defense systems. That is, after all, tactical solutions, some temporary ones, are still being found to solve this problem,” Popov said.

Read also: NATO will keep supporting Ukraine with all available means – Stoltenberg

Earlier, US Representative to NATO Julian Smith expressed confidence that the US Congress would still support a new aid package for Ukraine.