The occupiers use minimal equipment during attacks: the speaker of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army “South” spoke about the situation on the left bank of the Kherson region

Serhii Bratchuk. Screenshot:

The Russians use minimal equipment during the assault on Ukrainian positions on the left bank of the Kherson region. But the enemy does not take into account personnel losses. This was stated by the speaker of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army “South” Serhii Bratchuk on the FREEDOM TV channel.

According to him, the Russian occupiers have not abandoned their intentions to destroy the bridgeheads of the Ukrainian Defense Forces on the left bank of the Dnipro and continue their assaults. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repulse enemy attacks.

“The enemy has set himself the task of destroying our bridgeheads on the left bank. And he tries to fulfill it. However, they can’t do anything. Over the past combat day, the enemy carried out four assault attacks. This is not the highest figure, but not the lowest either. The artillery battle continues. The assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces are trying to approach our fighters, including along the flanks. But the attacks are successfully repulsed,” Bratchuk said.

According to him, the enemy is trying to use military equipment as little as possible.

“If it is used, then, as a rule, in order to deliver assault groups as close as possible to the front line, where, in particular, a clash is already taking place,” Bratchuk said.

He also drew attention to the fact that the Russians are using tactical aviation less because they are suffering serious losses.

“We are talking not only about the southern direction, but also about the eastern part of the front. Both Russian fighters and bombers are shot down there. That is, the use of aviation weapons is minimal, because the enemy, apparently, is looking for new routes to use tactical aviation,” the speaker added.

Bratchuk also noted that active drone warfare continues on the left bank of the Dnipro, both from the Ukrainian side and from the enemy.

“Weather conditions, of course, affect the use of drones in a certain way. But these are situational moments that generally do not affect the situation,” he clarified.

Bratchuk emphasized that no one counts the fighters of the Russian armed forces. Various units are used for attacks – motorized rifle, including airborne, as well as units of the 810th separate marine brigade in the city of Sevastopol.

“The equipment is used minimally, because it is destroyed. And today the enemy feels these losses. Although the Dnepr group, which is opposing our units on the left bank, has equipment, they have pulled up reserves. Everything that has been accumulated since the fall of last year is there. But, given that our soldiers act very clearly, FPV drones are actively used, and Ukrainian artillery is working effectively from the right bank, then, accordingly, the enemy is trying to reduce its losses. As for the personnel, no one counts them. They actually send us with a one-way ticket to the “Kobzon concert,” concluded Bratchuk.

Read also: We believe that respect for every nation and the right of nations to security and independent choice of their destiny should be universal principles – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the opening of the Ukraine – South East Europe Summit

As previously reported, in the village of Krynki on the left bank of the Dnipro River in the Kherson region, “meat assaults” by Russian occupation forces continue without the use of armored vehicles.