The Minister of Defense of Estonia named the pros and cons of the Armed Forces operation in Kursk region

Destroyed Russian equipment. Photo:

The Minister of Defense of Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, believes that the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region can be distinguished both pluses and minuses. According to him, it is necessary to understand that in such operations “a lot depends on how long you can protect your information and not transfer it”.

This was reported by ERR.

“If Ukraine goes further to Kursk, the distances here will be completely different. And I would say that this is both positive and negative. Of course, the minus is that they cannot use these weapons, but the plus here is that this motivates Ukrainians to make their own weapons and missiles,” Pevkur noted.

He noted that he understands Ukraine’s decision not to inform its allies about the preparations for an offensive in the Kursk region.

Earlier, Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds, commenting on the events in the Kursk region, said that the war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine “to some extent has returned home.”

Read also: In the Kursk region, Ukrainian troops have advanced from 1 to 3 km, there may be many captured Russians in the area of ​​Mala Lokna