The European Parliament is gaining more and more rights and influence on the future of the European Union – analysis

European Parliament. Photo:

The European Parliament is gaining more and more rights and influence on the future of the European Union, so the current elections to this legislative and representative body of the EU are actively covered in the media. This opinion was expressed on the FREEDOM TV channel by Andriy Veselovsky, adviser to the director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

“As far as I remember, these are already elections to the European Parliament. For the first time they are so popular and for the first time they are so present in the media space. And, in general, this is natural, because finally the European Parliament, as a result of gradual changes and additions to the conditions of the European Union, is gaining more and more rights and influence on the future of the EU. The governing body of the European Union, its government, is elected, which will then lead this huge mass of 27 states – almost 500 million people – for five years,” he said.

Veselovsky recalled that leading political figures will be appointed who will become EU ministers and commissioners. They determine the conditions in which citizens will live, what taxes they will pay, what changes will be in the energy sector, in environmental protection, in space, in the automotive industry, and so on.

Advisor to the Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies noted that, to a certain extent, the European Union is experiencing negative trends in two main areas.

“The first is the human dimension, namely migration. More and more foreign migrants are appearing on the territory of the European Union, and not all of them want to live by the rules that have developed there. This is the problem, and they are trying to solve it. The second problem is the problem of the environment in the broad sense of the word. Here is energy, here is biodiversity, here are the rules of the relationship between people and the environment, here are the issues of farmers – a whole tangle, and every thread in this tangle very seriously affects the lives of millions of people. How to balance this? How to adopt the so-called “Green Deal” and at the same time not harm the existing economy and social relations? It’s very difficult,” Veselovsky said.

He emphasized that each EU country has its own approach, a complex process is underway, of which Ukraine will also become a participant in the foreseeable future.

“Moreover, today we must make decisions in our legislation that are currently being drafted in the European Union, because we will have to implement them,” Veselovsky noted.

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Earlier, political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko expressed the opinion that the results of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament will not affect the policy of the European Union towards Ukraine. Still, the majority of European forces now support Ukraine and condemn the Russian war against Ukraine.