The “axis of evil” is treated very mildly – it is already consolidating and dictating its terms – president of the analytical center

Oleg Lisny. Photo:

China and Russia will not be able to unilaterally lift sanctions against North Korea imposed by the UN Security Council without the consent of its other members. This was previously stated by US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. However, North Korea is already managing to circumvent sanctions. The so-called “axis of evil” has already been formed. It is consolidating, conducting joint exercises, exchanging weapons and technologies. And the democratic world is simply watching. This opinion was voiced by the president of the Politika analytical center Oleg Lisny on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“It seems to me that they are already doing this (bypassing sanctions – ed.). Let’s take the case of nuclear deterrence at the UN. If I’m not mistaken, the Russian Federation torpedoed this moment, I mean monitoring the conditional nuclear program of North Korea. And no one does anything further. In fact, certain equipment enters the territory of this state through Russia. You can laugh from their cars, but they go there too. China also helps in all sorts of roundabout ways under different guises. That is, in fact, we see that sanctions are being circumvented,” said the broadcast guest.

Lisny recalled that not long ago Putin signed an agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on a “comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and the DPRK.”

“They even prepare for war together. What else does the West need? But this is nonsense. Because, firstly, let’s keep an eye on the fact that shells and missiles made in North Korea are going to Russia. I wonder if they just give them away for free, like Santa Claus puts them under the Christmas tree? No. There are some moments. And these moments are voiced by my colleagues as follows, they say, they once laughed that they would give grain, stewed meat and everything else for this. Or maybe not stewed meat, or grain, but nuclear technology,” Lisny said.

He emphasized that the war that the Russian Federation unleashed against Ukraine created big problems that affect all countries of the world, without exception. Therefore, the cooperation of the two dictatorial regimes cannot be ignored.

“I believe that they treat the “axis of evil” very softly. It has already been formed. The “axis of evil” is becoming more impudent, consolidating and conducting joint exercises, exchanging weapons and technologies. And the “axis of good”, I can now call it conditional, just looks. Because the elections, because it’s not profitable now, because because. And it may turn out that it will be too late. Because in this situation, whoever is bolder and faster can dictate, so to speak, the agenda. And this is actually happening now. The “axis of evil” dictates its terms, and the West does not react to them the way it should have reacted,” the political scientist concluded.

Earlier, Russian opposition journalist and former State Duma deputy Igor Yakovenko said that the owner of the Kremlin is building an axis of dictatorial terrorist regimes that are directed against the United States, Ukraine and the entire Western world. At the same time, he noted that neither Russia, nor Iran, nor North Korea could be stopped by sanctions. Because these countries have been under sanctions for a long time. This has become a common occurrence for them.