Terorrist attacks reported in Russia’s Dagestan

Fire in Derbent. Photo: video screenshot/Telegram

Russian media claim that a series of terrorist attacks have been taking place in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, resulting in many victims.

A church and a synagogue have been targeted by aterrorists in the city of Derbent. The synagogue has been caught in fire, as a result. Also, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church has been killed.

In Makhachkala, unidentified attackers fired at a traffic police post. Several media outlets have informed that 40 people have been taken captive in an orthodox church in the city.

Together in 2 cities, at least 6 police officers have been killed, and 18 have been injured, as confirmed by the local authorities. The shootings have been on for around 5 hours, as of now.

The law enforcement authorities have launched a counter-terrorist operation in the region.

In just an hour, Russia managed to blame Ukraine and NATO for a terrorist attack in Dagestan. Such a statement was made by a Dagestan MP at the Russian State Duma Gadzhiev, Russian state-owned media agency reported.

The attack is believed to be carried out by ISIS, according to N12 and Jewish community reports.

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