Significant deterioration of the Russian economy will occur in September, – expert

Ilya Neskhodovsky. Photo:

During this year, the Kremlin will be able to maintain social stability in the country. They have certain reserves for this. In addition, when they invest in the military-industrial complex, this still creates additional employment, but takes a significant amount of the budget. Ilya Neskhodovsky, head of the analytical direction of the ANTS National Interest Protection Network, spoke about this on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel.

He explained that the money invested in the military-industrial complex has a one-time use – tanks, missiles are destroyed at the front, these resources do not work for the economy. Social support will be cut last, the first to cut investments in those enterprises that do not work for the war.

He also added that a significant deterioration in the Russian economy will occur in the fall.

“A significant deterioration in the state of the Russian economy will be around September. There will be a new wave of layoffs, wage cuts. Plus, more mass mobilization will be carried out, ”the expert noted.

In addition, Neskhodovsky commented on Putin’s demand to transfer officials to domestic cars.

“This is just such a PR for the public, there officials are a separate caste, they will not change anywhere, they will still drive foreign cars. But there is a certain way how to, let’s say, satisfy their electorate. They will bring some premium car made in China and stick a sign on it that it is some kind of Lada. They themselves will not produce anything, ”the expert added.

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