Rutte will officially take over NATO on June 26

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Brussels on June 17. Photo: Mark Rutte/X

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte could be officially presented as Jens Stoltenberg’s successor on Wednesday, June 26.

This was reported by several media, AFP in particular.

Rutte was chosen as the next NATO Secretary General as his last rival Romanian President Klaus Iohannis refused to further participate in this race and the ambassadors of all 32 member states approved his appointment.

Dutch politician is known to have support from the United States, UK, France and Germany since he claimed the position.

It should be noted that Jens Stoltenberg’s term expires on October 5. Hence, Rutte will have 3 months to prepare for his new duties.

The new leader of the Alliance will have to handle the old problem of Russia waging its war in Ukraine and threatening the West. In addition, the issue of Trump winning the presidential election in the U.S in autumn hangs over NATO as the Republican leader has doubted NATO’s effectiveness.

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