Putin and Kim sign defence pact in Pyongyang

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang on June 19. Photo: Russian media

Russia’s and North Korea’s dictators have signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which, among other things, includes security assistance in case one of the states is attacked.

This was reported by a range of Russian media.

“The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement,” Putin announced, according to Russian media.

The document does not rule out developing further profound military-technical cooperation.

When describing the official result of their meeting, Kim Jong-un said that with that ‘strongest ever treaty’ the great relations between Russia and North Korea turned into an ‘alliance’.

Before the pact was signed, Kim had time to express his ‘full suport’ for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine as it confronted the imperialistic United States of America. He didn’t clarify what countries the U.S. had occupied or attacked.

Vladimit Putin will visit Vietnam after his visit to North Korea is over.

Russia and North Korea are both isolated by sanctions and seek each other’s support. It is known that North Korea has been supplying Russia with missiles to strike Ukraine as Ukraine. In october 2023, North Korea delivered more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia.

Read also: Kim declares ‘full support’ for Russia’s war in Ukraine, vows to deepen cooperation