Poland could close Belarus border

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. Photo: Radosław Sikorski/X

Poland does not rule out completely blocking the border with Belarus after assessing the consequences of such decision for the state and its people.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski told this TVN24.

“We are now studying what consequences this will have for our economy and local communities,” Sikorski explained, adding that such action should make Belarus feel the negative repercussions and not Poland.

According to him, the situation on the border is a result of “a fully controlled operation by the Russian and Belarusian services”. He claims that migrants have been instructed by Belarusian military on how to hit Polish border guards properly.

Polish President Andrzej Duda vowed to discuss the issue of the crisis on the Poland-Belarus border with China’s Xi Jinping as he departed for Beijing on June 23.

On 6 June, a Polish border guard was stabbed near the village of Dubicze Cerkiewne by one of the migrants trying to break through from Belarus. Eventually, the guard died.

Read also: Polish President goes to China to speak on trade and security issues