Poland arrests 9 people suspected of sabotage on behalf of Russia

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Polish authorities have detained nine people who may have commited acts of sabotage coordinated by Russia’s secret services.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said in a interview with TVN24 on May 20.

“We have now arrested nine suspects who have been charged with direct involvement in acts of sabotage in Poland ordered by Russian secret services. These include beatings, arson and attempted arson,” Tusk announced.

In his opinion, this case is “very serious”. At the same time, he is very content about the work of the Polish security services. Poland is working with its allies and neighbouring countries on the matter.

Accodring to Tusk, similar saboteur activities were planned by Russian secret services in Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden.

Earlier, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, suggested that several fires that occurred in the country were caused by arson and “could be an attempt to destabilize the situation in Poland.”

In April, Germany arrested two men, German-Russian nationals, over suspected Russian sabotage plot. They were accused of spying on the US military facilities in an attempt to disrupt allies’ efforts to provide military aid to Ukraine.

Read also: Poland and Ukraine agree to promptly begin preparing bilateral security agreement