Nothing new: Zelenskyy disregards Trump’s 24-hour peace plan if it requires giving up Ukrainian territories

Ukrainia President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Ukraine strives to end the war, but wouldn’t be astonished by the plan of Donald Trump if it suggests territorial concessions to Russia.

Zelensky stated this during an interview with Trudy Rubin, a columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I don’t know how the war can be ended in 24 hours, but I’m not Trump. If Trump has such a model, well, everyone would like to finalize the war. Maybe even in one hour would be better. But if the idea is to give up our territories, then it is not a new idea,” Zelensky stressed.

The Ukrainian leader reiterated that such approach is fundamentally wrong, and no consessions would stop Putin as he needs to consistently “feed his society with information about pseudo-victories”.

Instead of that, the Western allies should think of further steps to show its firm support for Ukraine and provide security guarantees. He is convinced that intention to invite Ukraine to NATO would be such a step despite all the doubts.

Earlier, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine would finalize its outlook on peace and present a detailed plan by the end of 2024.

Read also: Ukraine will present detailed peace plan this year, – Zelenskyy