Next European Council meeting to include discussion of Ukraine aid with Zelenskyy

Charles Michel, President of the European Council. Photo:

A two-day European Council summit in Brussels on June 27 will with a discussion of boosting military assistance to Ukraine with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

This was mentioned in an invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council.

“Our meeting will kick off on Thursday 27 June at 2pm with an exchange with President Zelenskyy. This will be an opportunity to discuss the situation on the ground, but also take note of some achievements since our last meeting,” Charles Michel stated.

Naturally, Michel sees this European Council as an opportunity to welcome the adoption of negotiating frameworks and the holding of Intergovernmental Conferences with Ukraine, Moldova and Montenegro and mark such ‘historic steps’ on their path towards European membership.

He also reiterated EU’s intentions to pursue revenues from immobilised Russian assets to provide sustainable support for Ukraine in 2024.

“For the following years, together with partners, we will secure loans for Ukraine for an additional EUR 50 billion,” says the statement.

Read also: Denmark to support Ukraine and Moldova’s future in EU with €20 milliion