Luckily for Ukraine, Pentagon finds out it miscalulated in Ukraine aid with $2 billion

Photo: AFP

Reuters has reported that the U.S. Pentagon has discovered $2 billion worth of additional errors in its calculations for military equipment sent to Ukraine, increasing the improperly valued material to a total of $8.2 billion instead of $6.2 billion.

The media cites a report of the U. S. government dated July 25.

“In 2023, the Pentagon said staff used “replacement value” instead of “depreciated value” to tabulate the billions in materials sent to Ukraine. The $6.2 billion error created a path for billions more to be sent to Kyiv,” the article notes.

The Pentagon reached out to the Government Accountability Office to inform it that $2 billion are still available. Hence, the White House now can offer Kyiv another $2 billion in different types of arms.

According to Reuters, the GAO identified a vague definition of value in the Foreign Assistance Act and a failure to establish valuation guidance for Presidential Drawdown Authority as two issues that mainly contributed to such miscalculations.

Read also: Biden to devote his final months of presidency to Ukraine and Middle East in, – FT