It would be beneficial for Putin to stop military operations now – analysis by an international affairs expert

Vladimir Putin. Photo:

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin would now benefit from stopping the military action, so he is raising the topic of negotiations. This opinion was expressed on the FREEDOM TV channel by Stanislav Zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences and international affairs expert.

“It would be very beneficial for Russia to stop military operations now, but, of course, on the condition that it has those, let’s say, relatively speaking, territorial gains that it received during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. And, naturally, Russia now really needs to be able to reboot its military machine. And a lot is actually said about this,” he said.

The international affairs expert noted that the visits and negotiations, which are held in the context of Russia’s relations with China, North Korea, and Iran, are aimed at compensating for the losses that Russia has in weapons, equipment, ammunition, and the like.

“That’s why now Putin is trying to show that he wanted to negotiate, but Ukraine doesn’t want this, and the countries of the Western world don’t want it. He repeatedly recalls the negotiations in Istanbul that it was then that the active phase of hostilities could be completed. That then, let’s say, roughly speaking, he was “dumped” and forced to withdraw troops from Kyiv, from the Kyiv region. Although it is completely clear that he left the territory of the Kyiv region and the north of Ukraine in general only because the Armed Forces of Ukraine wanted it. And it was actually a shameful escape from the territory of those regions of Ukraine that were occupied at the beginning of the full-scale invasion,” Zhelikhovsky said.

He noted that Moscow continues to broadcast its narratives and asks Beijing for help. At the same time, China’s peaceful position, according to the international affairs expert, looks like a light version of what the Russian Federation wants.

“That is, to stop military operations at the stage at which the Russian-Ukrainian war is now, and so that Russia can gain a foothold in the territories that it allegedly captured. Although she will actually not own these regions for long, which she has now written into her Constitution, well, and ultimately then begin her offensive in Ukraine again, but with more successful results. Therefore, China is very beneficial for Russia in this regard,” Zhelikhovsky said.

In his opinion, Putin made his first visit after the “inauguration” to the PRC in order to further ask Beijing to help Russia in all possible areas.

“I think that in the near future we will see more visits at various levels. So they will further strengthen this “axis of evil.” But again, I want to emphasize that the Russian Federation is becoming more and more dependent on Beijing, because China has more advantageous positions, and it is very successfully using these opportunities,” said the international affairs expert.

Read also: Ukrainian servicemen finally receive shells to repel Russians, – Reuters

Let us recall that on May 17, at a press conference in Harbin (China), Russian dictator Putin accused Ukraine of withdrawing from negotiations in the spring of 2022. He stated that the basis for the “dialogue” should be the Istanbul agreements, which took place after the start of the full-scale invasion. He also noted that the Kremlin is supposedly ready for dialogue.