If we are not able to help Ukraine militarily enough, then Russia might move further, – Kaja Kallas

Estonian PM Kaja Kallas. Photo: video screenshot/Channel 4 News

Kaja Kallas, most likely to soon be managing EU’s foreign policy, reiterates that Russia poses a threat to Europea if its succeeds in Ukraine and does not surprise anyone with the fact that she will provide continuous support for Ukraine in her future position.

The Prime Minister of Estonia told this Channel 4 News in an interview.

“Like the historian Timothy Snyder said that in order for a country to become better it must lose its last colonial war, and Russia has never lost its last colonial war,” Kallas stressed, adding that investing in defence is a priority now.

She warned that if NATO allows any weaknesses, its future might look ‘very grim’.

Still, Kaja Kallas is convinced that the Wesrt shouldn’t be too pessimistic in terms of Russia’s war in Ukraine as the aggressor hasn’t reached any of its major goals and failed to use an ‘opportunity window’ when the US halted its military assistance.

She rejected any statements that back the concept of the West provoking Russia by its support for Ukraine helping it fight against the aggressor.

“The aggressor is only provoked by weakness, not by strength. We have seen in the near history that giving in to the dictator has not really helped. If you think about Minsk agreement, if you think about Georgia, if you think about steps like this, this appetite only grew. And what we should learn from the Second World War is that when aggression pays off somewhere, it serves as an invitation to use it elsewhere,” she concluded.

Kaja Kallas has been just officially nominated EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy by European state leaders after several weeks of media speculating she was the EU’s candidate for this job.

Read also: Kaja Kallas nominated to manage EU foreign policy