If Russia does not lose, then there will be not 25 military conflicts in the world, but 250,” – Podolyak

Mykhailo Podolyak. Photo: uatv.ua

The road map must clearly state that the basis of any world as such is exclusively international law, in which any country, regardless of its size, army, possession or non-possession of nuclear weapons, is guaranteed territorial integrity and sovereignty. Ukraine insists on this. If the world does not accept this, then chaos will begin. Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak said this on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“Today we have about 25 conflicts of varying intensity around the world. If the Russian Federation does not lose, that is, roughly speaking, finalizes this war in an intermediate way, then there will be not 25, but 250 of these conflicts around the world. Why? Because it turns out that the only instrument for redistributing influence or interests is only a force instrument. Neither diplomacy, nor agreements, not cross-border agreements and so on, but only the force component,” he noted.

Podolyak believes that a road map on the path to ending the war will be presented to Russia, and it will have to fulfill the prescribed conditions.

“Russia is not waging a war for territory; let’s not forget that the occupied territories are completely destroyed today. Russia is not interested in territories. Russia started this war based on two basic goals. The first is the demonstrative destruction of the giant country of Ukraine. And the second goal is global dominance,” explained the adviser to the head of the President’s Office.

According to him, a number of countries that have unstable political systems are looking towards Russia and may resort to forceful resolution of conflicts.

“And they see in Russia a side that will always provide resources for conflict, for war, will always support, using the right of veto and so on. If we look at it globally like this, then, of course, the concept of Ukraine’s road map is absolutely clear, very balanced and definitely leads the world to an understanding of the form in which it will exist in the future – whether there will be rules or whether there will be no rules,” added Podolyak .

Read also: Zelenskyy: Ukraine can try to end hot stage of war before year-end

Let us remind you that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky did not rule out the possibility of returning the territories and ending the war diplomatically.