I could stop wars with a telephone call, — Donald Trump at RNC

Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 18. Photo: video screenshot/Fox News

Now official Republican candidate for U.S. presidency has again attempted at persuading voters he is the only man to end all conflicts on the Earth.

He made such a claim at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 18.

“I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine, which would have never happened if I was president,” the Republican stressed.

According to Radio Liberty, the Republican nominee showed off the fact that after his trips to China and Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban informed Trump that both states were ‘afraid of him’.

While replaying the good old ‘war wouldn’t have started if I had been a president’ narrative, Trump once again missed out on explaining how to end the actual war and preserve Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Just 2 days ago, Trump delivered this message in an interview with Bloomberg, saying ‘we were never in danger of a war’ because he got along with Vladimir Putin well enough.

Read also: Trump keeps convincing everyone Putin wouldn’t dare to fully invade Ukraine if he was elected in 2020 though… We’ll never know