Hungary has taken over the Council of the European Union for the following six months as Belgium concluded its presidency.
This was announced by the EU Council on X.
“Welcome, Hungary, which has just taken over the Council presidency. It’s going to be an exciting six months!” reads the publication.
The presiding state has come up with a motto “Make Europe Great Again”, emulating Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” that contributed to his victorious presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Hungary’s Minister for European Union Affairs Janos Bóka says that Hungary will strive to reflect the will of European voters, expressed at the European parliamentary elections.
“The elections sent a clear political message: Europe needs change,” Bóka referred to the uprise of right wing forces in Europe. He belongs to them himself as a member of Hungary’s leading party Fidesz.
“We aim to simplify EU legislation, reduce administrative burdens on European enterprises, and fully realize the internal market’s potential,” added the Hungarian politician.
Previously, Hungary presented an 11-point list of demands to Ukraine pursuing the EU membership.
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