How many Su-34s does Russia have left, and how many aircraft can it produce per year? – an expert’s answer

Dmitry Snegirev. Photo:

Russia is capable of producing no more than six units of Su-34 aircraft per year. While in the last month alone, Ukrainian troops eliminated 12 Russian bombers – that is, a reserve of two years. Military-political analyst Dmitry Snegirev said this on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“The annual production of the Su-34 in Russia, a front-line bomber, is six units per year. The point is that the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 in just a month. That is, in fact, the production of front-line bombers of the latest modification in two years,” Snegirev noted.

According to him, before the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers, according to various sources, had from 120 to 140 Su-34 units.

“If we take into account the statistics of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this model, namely the Su-34, was shot down during the invasion about 40-50 units. Therefore, this is a serious blow to the ability of the Russian occupation forces to strike with impunity the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces using the FAB-500,” Snegirev said.

As for the A-50U, the Russians do not have the opportunity to recreate it at all, the analyst added.

“There is a statement that they will produce them. But at the moment there is no such technical capability and, accordingly, the potential of the Russian military-industrial complex to produce this type of aircraft. The Russian Federation has only eight of them left. And this is a serious failure in the Russian missile defense and air defense system,” Snegirev emphasized.

In addition, there is no team that can fly and maintain this aircraft. It takes years to train these people, the speaker added.

“The 11 crew members, which include both the technicians who serve on board and those who directly process information, are professionals of the highest class. Their preparation requires 10 or more years. But the main thing is the investment, which is about 10-15 million dollars for training this type of specialist. This is a single product, so to speak. Therefore, these losses for Russian troops are irreparable. They cannot be prepared in two, even three years,” summed up Snegirev.

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Earlier, on February 23, over the Sea of Azov, as a result of a joint operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, another valuable Russian A-50U long-range radar detection and control aircraft was shot down.