Head of Belarus exiles’ group found dead in Kyiv

Photo: newsbel.by

Vitaly Shishov’s body was found hanged in a park in Kyiv, a day after he failed to return from a jog. Police have opened a murder inquiry.

This is reported by the Kyiv Police, UA informs.

“Citizen of Belarus Vitaly Shishov, who disappeared yesterday in Kyiv, was found hanged today in one of the Kyiv parks, not far from his place of residence. Vitaly’s mobile phone and personal belongings were taken from the place” – the statement says.

The police opened criminal proceedings under the article on premeditated murder and considered all versions, including murder disguised as suicide.

“The Kyiv police appeals to everyone who knew Vitaly Shishov, with a request to provide information about the last weeks of his life, his psycho-emotional state, possible threats” – the department notes.

Earlier, the United States condemned the repression in Belarus.