Great Britain can act as a stabilizing factor in NATO, – opinion

Igor Chalenko. Photo:

Great Britain is strengthening its position in world politics. Thus, during the period of turbulence in the US during the elections, it is Britain that will be able to take on the role of leader in NATO. This opinion was expressed on the FREEDOM TV channel by political scientist, chairman of the Center for Analysis and Strategies Igor Chalenko.

“Great Britain can act as a stabilizing factor in NATO, since in view of the new presidential elections in the United States of America, it is unknown to what extent the United States will take an active role in the life of the Alliance. It is Britain, together with other European countries, that can show that it is possible to develop and have additional potential,” he said.

The expert admits that Britain may initiate the practice of small military alliances to strengthen its own role in the world.

“Great Britain may in the future initiate the practice of small military alliances. Ukraine is extremely interested in this issue. Great Britain is really interested in this, since after Brexit it shows with new projects the strengthening role of official London in the world. Britain will definitely not bury its head in the sand and will work not only in the area of ​​strengthening defense,” he explained.

Despite the fact that Great Britain refuses to be a member of the EU, the intention to strengthen cooperation with the union can be traced, Chalenko emphasized.

“Britain has nuclear weapons. This is a question of nuclear security, a nuclear umbrella around European countries. But we also understand that, despite the refusal to return London to the European Union, there will still be an intensification of bilateral trade between the UK and the EU,” he said.