Every previous US president tried to get along with Russia – former US special envoy for Ukraine

Kurt Volker. Photo: gettyimages.com

Human nature tends to believe that things can be resolved through negotiation, that people can be rational. And this guided many US presidents in their relations with Russia. This opinion was expressed by former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker at a meeting with journalists in Kyiv, FREEDOM reports.

“Every American president, starting with Bill Clinton, comes into office and says the same thing: we must work with Russia. Clinton – with Yeltsin, Bush spoke with “Putin’s eyes”, Obama introduced the reset policy, Donald Trump – each president began with the fact that “we must somehow get along with Russia.” And this is despite all previous experience where Russia used this to continue its terrible deeds. But people continue to believe that we will figure something out and somehow get along, and that’s human nature,” Volker said.

The second part of human nature in relation to tragedies in other countries is how good it is that this does not happen to us. And this determines the fear of being involved in a war with Russia.

“Yes, there is unprecedented support and sympathy for Ukraine. At the same time, the second part of the human mind repeats: thank God that this is not happening to us. We should not get involved in war. Like, yes, it’s terrible what’s happening to Ukraine, we should help, but we don’t want to be in a war. And our task is to overcome such consciousness, because the way to prevent war is to demonstrate strength, not weakness,” the diplomat emphasized.

Read also: “See for themselves at front lines of “this tragedy”: Zelenskyy invites US presidential candidates to visit Ukraine