Europe increases pressure on the Russian shadow fleet – details

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Europe has agreed on new steps against the Russian shadow oil fleet. Tough measures to combat Russian tankers, which are used to circumvent sanctions, were approved by 44 states. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced this, FREEDOM reports with reference to Bloomberg.

The Russian shadow fleet numbers about 600 ships, with which the Russians transport up to 2 million barrels of oil per day, earning money for the war machine, the British government said. Some vessels are also believed to be used to intercept signals or transport weapons.

Great Britain is at the head of a large-scale initiative that should destroy the shadow fleet of the aggressor country, the British Prime Minister noted.

“Together with our European partners, we have sent a clear message to those who enable Putin’s attempts to circumvent sanctions: we will not allow Russia’s shadow fleet and the dirty money it brings to roam freely in European waters and put our security at risk,” the Prime Minister said UK Keir Starmer.

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Let us recall that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, summing up the first results of the summit of the European Political Community, emphasized that European security begins in Ukraine.