Elon Musk & Thousands of Researchers Won’t Develop Weaponized AI

Photo from Ukrinform–UATV

Approximately 160 companies and 2,400 artificial intelligence researchers and entrepreneurs signed a pledge refusing to develop lethal autonomous weapons, or LAWS.

The pledge was published at the 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in Stockholm, according to Espreso.TV.

Researchers claim that the emergence of weapons capable of independently choosing the targets and attacking is a threat to the moral and pragmatic principles of humanity, and the decision to take human life should never be made by a machine.

They called on the United Nations to adopt laws restricting the development of this kind of weaponry.

Earlier, famed innovator and businessman Elon Musk said that North Korea and its experiments with nuclear missile launches are nothing compared to the threat from artificial intelligence. According to him, artificial intelligence could destroy civilization.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to play an increasing role in military systems. There is an urgent opportunity and necessity for citizens, policymakers, and leaders to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI. There is a moral component to this position, that we should not allow machines to make life-taking decisions for which others – or nobody – will be culpable,” the pledge states.