Despite the sanctions against “Lukoil,” Slovakia and Hungary have not reduced their intake of Russian oil, – Bloomberg

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The export of crude oil from Russia to Hungary and Slovakia through Ukraine in July remained at normal levels despite Kyiv’s sanctions against Russia’s “Lukoil,” with the shortfall in supply being replaced by Russia’s “Tatneft.”

This was reported by Bloomberg, “European Pravda” reported.

As is known, Ukraine tightened restrictions against Russia’s second-largest oil producer due to the Kremlin’s military aggression, effectively banning “Lukoil” from transiting crude oil through its territory since the end of June.

A source told journalists that in July, Russia exported about 436,000 tons of crude oil to Hungary and about 356,000 tons to Slovakia through Ukraine, which is an increase in total flows compared to June and corresponds to levels observed earlier in 2024.

The source also said that “Lukoil” stopped supplies in July, but “Tatneft” replaced most of the shipments, increasing exports to Hungary and Slovakia.

Ukrainian officials also stated that oil transit to these two EU countries remained stable in July.

“Lukoil” accounted for up to half of the Russian oil supplied through the “Druzhba” pipeline.

Journalists added that the reduction in Russian crude oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia before July might have been due to annual maintenance at Mol Nyrt’s refineries in these two countries.

It is worth recalling that last month Slovakia and Hungary announced that Ukraine had stopped the transit of “Lukoil” oil. The reason was sanctions imposed by Kyiv against this Russian company.

While Budapest claimed that Ukraine’s decision violated the Association Agreement, the EU did not agree. Moreover, Brussels saw no signs that the stoppage of “Lukoil” oil transit undermined the energy security of Hungary and Slovakia.

After examining the situation regarding the suspension of “Lukoil” oil transit through Ukraine, the European Commission concluded that there were no grounds for concern about the energy security of Slovakia and Hungary.

Read also: Ukrainian plan for victory will be presented to US President in September, – Zelenskyy